- Finnish - mother tongue
- German - mother tongue
- English - fluent
- Japanese - good
- Swedish - good
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Helsinki, 19.2.2016
- Supervisor: Tadeusz Iwaniec
- Thesis: Elliptic Partial Differential Equations in Geometric Analysis and the Calculus of Variations
- Master of Science, University of Helsinki, 30.10.2011
- Supervisor: Tadeusz Iwaniec
- Thesis: Singular integrals and Beltrami type operators in the plane and beyond
- Bachelor of Science, University of Helsinki, 30.10.2011
- Supervisor: Tadeusz Iwaniec, Eero Saksman
- Thesis: The Hilbert Transform
Work experience
- University Lecturer: 1.7.2023-Present, Aalto University
- Working under: Personal Academy of Finland Research Fellow grant (GME).
- Postdoctoral Researcher: 1.9.2022-30.6.2023, University of Helsinki
- Working under: Finnish Centre of Excellence in Randomness and Structures (FiRST)
- Postdoctoral Researcher: 1.9.2021-31.8.2022, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Working under: ERC Advanced Grant project QUAMAP
- Postdoctoral Researcher: 1.9.2020-31.8.2021, University of Helsinki
- Working under: Personal Academy of Finland Research Fellow grant
- Postdoctoral Researcher: 1.1.2017-31.8.2020, University of Jyväskylä
- Working under: Personal Academy of Finland Research Fellow grant, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- Postdoctoral Researcher: 1.1.2016-31.12.2017, University of Helsinki
- Working under: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
- Doctoral Student: 1.1.2012-31.12.2015, University of Helsinki
- Working under: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Scientific and Societal impact
- Aalto Junior program: Delivering researcher visits to schools and organizing mathematical activities
- Active member since 2023
- Matikkamaanantai, extracurricular mathematics teaching at the Maunula Secondary School and Helsinki School of Mathematics
- Participation since 2023
- The high school mathematics competition in Central Finland
- Main coordinator for the competition in 2020 and 2019
- Organizing committee member in 2018 and 2017
- Problem solving seminar
- Organized a seminar about techniques in mathematical problem solving for undergraduates at the University of Helsinki during 2011-2012
- Reviewer of scientific publications
- Served as a referee for multiple mathematical journals, on many occasions since 2011
Grants and awards
- Academy of Finland Research Fellow grant: 1.9.2023-31.8.2027
- Academy of Finland Research Fellow grant: 1.9.2018-31.8.2021
- Vilho, Yrjö and Kalle Väisälä Foundation grant: 1.1-31.12.2016
- Vilho, Yrjö and Kalle Väisälä Foundation grant: 1.1-31.12.2015
- Helsinki Science Foundation grant: 1.1-31.12.2014
- Aalto School of Science teaching award for the year 2024
- Rolf Nevanlinna doctoral thesis award:
- Awarded for the best doctoral thesis in mathematics in Finland during the year 2016 by the Rolf Nevanlinna Research Foundation, 2017
- University of Helsinki doctoral thesis award:
- Awarded to the top four doctoral theses in the University of Helsinki for the year 2016 by the University of Helsinki, 2017
- Ernst Lindelöf master’s thesis award:
- Awarded for the best Master’s thesis in mathematics in Finland during the year 2011 by the Finnish Mathematical Society, 2012
- Special award for an exceptionally successful and fast completion of a Master’s degree:
- Awarded by the Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki, 2011
Sobolev Homeomorphic Extensions
Plenary talk at Matematiikan päivät 2020, Oulu, Finland
Homeomorphic Extension Problems in Geometric Analysis
Session talk at Matematiikan päivät 2022, Tampere, Finland
Restricted quasiconvexity of the Burkholder functional
Presentation at SAB meeting, Finnish Centre of Excellence for Randomness and Structures, Helsinki, Finland
Restricted quasiconvexity of the Burkholder functional
Seminar talk at Analysis Seminar, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York
The Bi-Sobolev extension problem
Seminar talk at Analysis Seminar, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
Sobolev Homeomorphic Extensions
Conference talk at Between Regularity and Defects: Variational and Geometrical Methods in Materials Science, Vienna, Austria